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The importance of communication and coordination between departments
Release time:2015/4/12 15:00:20
Harmonious coordination of communication between departments or not, directly affect the operating efficiency of enterprises. According to some recent production problems arising due to poor communication sector point of view, the relationship between processing sectors also need to continue to strengthen. Strengthen talking about here, is to break the existing one point or idea of local issues, long-term, to solve the overall problem.
A communication and collaboration, the department Problems
1, channels of communication problems
The need to improve understanding between departments, communication channels is not enough. Sidedness of information often after exposure to a particular issue, causing employers to discuss a similar workload, responsibilities, and the results of this discussion, if not effectively clear, easily cause estrangement between them. From the current situation, the communication channels and improved results than before, but still not enough ways to communicate, you need to continue to strengthen.
2, exposed the problem of inadequate
Communication process, will expose more problems. Many people often do not want to communicate with the atmosphere of the meeting deadlock, causing a lot of problems to be covered up. Exposed, particularly some of the details, it is a prerequisite for solving the problem.
3, some files need to update and improve management
Part of the job responsibilities, the contents inside the system, the file system no longer meet existing requirements. Although the company has a sound management system on the surface, and run this management system will not be a big problem at this stage, but if you want to further enhance the management level, these files must be improved and updated.
6, the transmission of information between departments disjointed
We are now in the information transfer and coordination were only limited to a certain time period. The result of this coordination is: the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary current, resolve the current principal contradiction, but the fundamental problem is not resolved, could turn into a subsequent principal contradiction. So this coordinated approach, its role is limited.
7, the interface between the work of the respective departments to ordained duties and responsibilities of the fulfillment of regular communication
The current situation is that part of the interface, although people have been doing the work, and there is also a corresponding division of labor, but there is no corresponding binding to each other, and when done, to what extent there is no complete detailed provisions, or the finished part up takes less than the next link, or buck-passing problem. Prone to conflicts between departments or between port personnel. These conflicts can be avoided through further refinement process.
These problems, just inside our existing business, to enhance the existing level of management the biggest obstacles to a few questions. Here I would like to make some solutions:
For questions raised by the various departments, to propose appropriate solutions. But some systemic problems, not by solving one or two issues to achieve management objectives, must take into consideration, avoid doing useful work, or solve a problem caused by another problem. To possible future problems adequately forecast.
In short, the tacit understanding between departments or not, related to long-term development, strengthen communication and coordination between departments, should be the focus of each manager. Attention to detail, emphasis on practice and innovation, management science should be the subject of our daily work. (Engineering Branch Yu Qian)

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